- CSC401: Data and Computer Communications Networks, NC State University, Fall'24
- CSC/ECE 573: Internet Protocols, NC State University, Spring'24
- CSC495/591: Quantum Communications and Network, NC State University, Spring'23
- CSC791: Quantum Communications and Network, NC State University, Fall'22
- CPE348: Introduction to Computer Networks, University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), Fall'18'19'20'21, Spring'19'20'21'22
- CPE498: Cybersecurity Capstone, UAH, Spring'20
- CPE499: Project in Computer Engineering, UAH, Spring'19
- CPE648: Advanced Computer Networks, UAH, Fall'19'21,
- CPE211: Introduction to Computer Programming, UAH, Fall'20 (COVID-19 semester, co-instruct with Mr. Ron Bowman)
Teaching Assistant
- EEL6591: Wireless Networks, University of Florida (UF), Spring'17
- EEL4598/5718: Computer Communication, UF, Fall'16
- 14:332:382: Electromagnetic Fields, Rutgers University, Spring'14
- 14:332:363: Electronic Devices Laboratory, Rutgers University, Fall'13